
Management of facial aging with Hyaluronic Acid filers

Hyaluronic acid gel fillers in the management of facial aging

Article specifications

This review study was published in 2008 in Journal of Clin Interv Aging (IF 2012:2.651) by American specialists. This article reviews the innate properties of FDA-approved HA fillers and provides an insight on future HA products and their utilization for the management of the aging face.



Esthetic facial volume restoration along with all other components of the aging face must be adequately addressed to successfully rejuvenate the face. The safe and effective track record of HA dermal fillers makes them currently the most popular filling material. This popularity will continue to increase as the aging population searches for viable options to correct the signs of aging without surgery. The utilization of these fillers by trained professionals provides an effective and safe therapy for the management of the aging face.

Tags: USA Review article 2008 Clin Interv Aging

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