
Comparing intra-articular steroid and hyaluronic acid in treatment of internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint

Intra-articular steroid and hyaluronic acid treatment of internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint

Article specifications

This clinical Trial was published in 2018 in Journal of Orv Hetil. (IF 2015:0.22) by Hungarian specialists. The aim of our study was to examine whether hyaluronic acid injection is more beneficial compared to corticosteroid in 37 joints. We also examined whether the efficacy of the therapy is influenced by hyaluronic acid molecular weight and the used protocol. Wilkes stage, maximal mouth opening and the Visual Analogue Scale were determined pre-operatively and 6 months later. Corticosteroid application was performed once, hyaluronic acid was injected on a weekly bases 3 times in a row, by use of low (6-10 × 105 dalton) or high molecular weight (24-36 × 105 dalton) preparations.



Comparing the two agents we can state that hyaluronic acid was significantly more effective and its application for three times seems to be the most effective treatment decreasing the symptoms. The high molecular weight solution was more effective in increasing mouth opening. In contrast to hyaluronic acid, corticosteroid had no prolonged effect in higher Wilkes stages.

Tags: Hungary Clinical trial 2018 Orvosi Hetilap

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