
Evaluate the Mucoadhesive Properties of Hyaluronic Acid-Based Ocular Delivery Systems in Vitro Techniques

Useful in Vitro Techniques to Evaluate the Mucoadhesive Properties of Hyaluronic Acid-Based Ocular Delivery Systems.

Article specifications

This study was published in 2015 in Journal of Pharmaceutics. (IF 2015:3.12) by Portuguese specialists. This study aimed to evaluate the potential use of in vitro methods to study the mucoadhesion of eye drop solutions and, specifically to evaluate the efficacy of two hyaluronic acid-based formulations (HA), HA 0.15% and 0.30% (w/v) to treat DED.



All results indicated that interactions occurred between the mucin and the HA, being stronger with HA 0.30%, due to the physical entanglements and hydrogen bounding. The results have shown that pre-treated cells with HA showed a morphology more similar to the hydrated cells in both products, with a high survival rate. The in vitro techniques used in this study have been shown to be suitable to evaluate and predict mucoadhesive properties and the efficacy of the eye drops on relief or treatment of DED. The results obtained from these methods may help in inferring possible in vivo effects.

Tags: 2015 Portugal Pharmaceutics

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