Combination of hyaluronic acid and amniotic membrane on adhesions in the flexor tendons of a chicken model

The effects of a combination of hyaluronic and amniotic membrane on the formation of peritendinous adhesions after flexor tendon surgery in chickens.

Article specifications

This clinical trial was published in 2004 in Journal of J Bone Joint Surg Br. (IF 2004: 1.97) by Turkish specialists. We used 144 tendons which were partially divided and then repaired by a modified Kessler technique. There were four test groups: group 1, simple tendon repair, group 2, repair site wrapped with amniotic membrane, group 3, hyaluronic acid injected around the repair site, and group 4, repair site wrapped with amniotic membrane and hyaluronic acid injected within it.



The least adhesions were observed in group 4 but no significant difference was found in the healing of the tendons. Overall, the intra-operative application of a combination of hyaluronic acid and amniotic membrane appears to be effective in preventing adhesions of the flexor tendon.

Tags: Turkey Clinical trial 2004 J Bone Joint Surg Br

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