The effects of hyaluronic acid on adhesion formation of the tendo calcaneus

Effects of hyaluronic acid on postoperative adhesion of tendo calcaneus surgery: an experimental study in rats.

Article specifications

This clinical study was published in 2002 in Journal of J Foot Ankle Surg. (IF 2002:0.53) by Turkish specialists. The effects of hyaluronic acid on adhesion formation of the tendo calcaneus were investigated in this study. Twenty Wistar rats were utilized. Both tendo calcanei were incised transversely, and then repaired. Hyaluronic acid (0.2 cc) was injected into peritendinous tissue on the right side, while the same amount of normal saline was injected to the left side as a control.



Throughout the experimental period, there was no difference in range of motion of the ankle between the two groups. Hyaluronic acid may be effective for prevention of adhesions in the tendo calcaneus though this effect could not be demonstrated experimentally.

Tags: Turkey Foot and ankle surgery Clinical trial 2002

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