
The correct indications for HA injection therapy through a prospective study

Effect of Subacromial Injections of Hyaluronan on Different Grades of Rotator Cuff Lesion: A Prospective Study

Article specifications

This Prospective Study was published in 2013 in Journal of European Journal of Inflammation (IF 2013: 0.50) by Italian orthopedics. The aim of the study was to point out the correct indications for HA injection therapy through a prospective study: firstly, defining the safety and efficacy of HA in the different grades of cuff tears, then evaluating the maintenance at 90 days, as secondary endpoint.



In conclusion, patients affected by bursitis or partial cuff tears benefit from HA, while in cuff arthropathy HA might only delay surgery or represent a palliative. In complete tears HA was not effective in pain relief or functional recovery.

Tags: Italy Clinical trial 2013 European Journal of Inflammation

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