Non-hormonal treatment of vulvo-vaginal atrophy-related symptoms in post-menopausal women

Non-hormonal treatment of vulvo-vaginal atrophy-related symptoms in post-menopausal women.jpg

Non-hormonal treatment of vulvo-vaginal atrophy-related symptoms in post-menopausal women.

Article specifications

This clinical trial was published in 2013 in journal of obstetrics and gynecology (IF 2014:4.704) by Italian gynecologists. In this study the non-hormonal treatment of vulvo-vaginal atrophy-related symptoms in post-menopausal women were evaluated. A total of 44 women (post-menopause since at least 2 years and the pres­ence of a symptomatic VVA ) were asked to perform perineal and intravaginal application of a hyaluronic acid, AC collagen, isoflavones and vitamins-based cream (Perilei Pausaâ) twice a week for 12 weeks. Patients underwent gynecological visits at booking and after 12 weeks of the therapy. In order to evaluate the effect of local treatment on genital symptoms, a validated score for genital com­plaints was used. Women were asked to rate their vaginal dryness, vulvar and vaginal itching, dyspareunia, dysuria, nocturia, pollakiuria (abnormally frequent urination) and urinary incontinence. Symptoms were counted according to their intensity. Vaginal and cervical Papanicolaou smears along with colposcopy were performed by the same investigator. Colposcopical features (atrophic colpitis, paleness and petechiae) were counted according to their intensity and added in a final score.25 Epithelial cells from the vagina were collected with a wooden spatula and cells from the cervix with a brush. The smears were fixed in 95% ethyl alcohol and the slides were stained by means of the modified Papanicolaou method.


The results of the study showed that hyaluronic acid cream is an effective and safe alternative for hormonal therapy in Vulvovaginal atrophy. A growing body of evidence points to topic non-hormonal therapy with HA, vitamins, collagen and isoflavones as a poten­tial effective alternative treatment of VVA-related discomfort in post-menopause. Significant improvement in VVA-related symptoms and signs, including dyspareunia, after 12 weeks of vulvo-vaginal application of Perilei Pausaâ cream has been shown. No treatment-related adverse events were mentioned by the patients during or after treatment, and the therapy course showed a high level of acceptability.

Tags: Italy Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinical trial 2015

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