Hyaluronic acid and vitamins are effective in reducing vaginal atrophy in women receiving radiotherapy

Hyaluronic acid and vitamins are effective in reducing vaginal atrophy in women receiving radiotherapy. A Prospective, Randomized, Clinical study

Article specifications

This clinical trial was published in 2015 in Minerva ginecologica (IF 2015:1.07) by Italian gynecologists. In this article the effectiveness of hyaluronic acid vaginal gel in reducing vaginal atrophy in women receiving radiotherapy were evaluated. This study included 45 women were treated with 4 weeks of radiotherapy RT and 4 weeks of brachytherapy BRT, concomitantly with chemotherapy. They divided in 2 groups: 23 women were treated with two suppositories of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, vitamin ‌A and E (Santes®) per day for 4 months. For the first two months the preventive treatment was simultaneous to RT and BRT. Instead the control groups for composed by 22 patients and they did not undergo any treatment during RT. To evaluate the efficacy of Santes® treatment three biopsies were performed


The results of the study showed that that low molecular weight HA shows good performances in treating RT-damaged tissue and plays a key role in all steps of the healing process.

Tags: Italy Minerva Ginecol Clinical trial 2015

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