Botulinum toxin injections combined with or without sodium hyaluronate for the treatment of infantile esotropia

Botulinum toxin injections combined with or without sodium hyaluronate for the treatment of infantile esotropia.jpg

Botulinum toxin injections combined with or without sodium hyaluronate in the absence of electromyography for the treatment of infantile esotropia: a pilot study.

Article specifications

This clinical trial was published in 2013 in Eye journal (IF 2014:2.082) by Chinese ophthalmologists. This pilot study compares the efficacy and safety of botulinum injection with or without sodium hyaluronate in treatment of infantile esotropia in the absence of electromyography. In the study Forty-seven patients with infantile esotropia were randomly divided into two groups. In group A, 23 cases were treated with a bilateral injection of 2.5–3.75U BTA combined with sodium hyaluronate (SH) to the medial rectus muscle. In group B, 24 cases were treated with a bilateral injection of 2.5–3.75U BTA solution alone to the medial rectus muscle. And evaluated after 2 weeks, 3 months and 6 month after injection.


This study showed the effectiveness and feasibility of BTA injections in the absence of electromyography in the treatment of infantile esotropia. A relative decrease in the frequency of complicated ptosis resulted from injections of BTA combined with sodium hyaluronate.

Tags: china eye Clinical trial 2013

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