Subconjunctival Sodium Hyaluronate 2.3% vs balanced salt solution in Trabeculectomy

Subconjunctival Sodium Hyaluronate 2.3% vs balanced salt solution in Trabeculectomy.jpg

Subconjunctival Sodium Hyaluronate 2.3% in Trabeculectomy. A Prospective Randomized Clinical Trial

Article specifications

This clinical trial was published in 2006 in journal of ophthalmology (IF 2016:6.1) by American ophthalmologists. 55 Patients underwent routine trabeculectomy, with or without phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation, divided in 2 groups:  In the study group, Just before finalizing the conjunctival incision closure, 0.2 ml sodium hyaluronate 2.3%(N= 28) or balanced salt solution, BSS, (N= 27) was injected between the scleral and conjunctival flaps, diffusely elevating the bleb.


The article showed that there was no difference in success rates in patients who received subconjunctival sodium hyaluronate 2.3% compared to BSS injections. But Subconjunctival sodium hyaluronate 2.3% was associated with more diffuse blebs after filtering surgery. The development of favorable bleb characteristics, including a wider horizontal extent (diffuse blebs), is important for the long-term success of filtering surgery.

Tags: USA Clinical trial Ophthalmology 2006

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