Repair of perforations of the tympanic membrane with Sodium hyaluronate

Sodium hyaluronate in the repair of perforations of the tympanic membrane.

Article specifications

This clinical study was published in 1989 in Journal of Clin Ther. (IF 2015:3.01) by Italian specialists. A study was conducted to verify whether or not hyaluronic acid enhances the repair process in perforations of the tympanic membrane and to evaluate the quality of the tympanic membrane after healing. The 17 patients, aged 22 to 63 years, had small, medium, or large perforations of the tympanic membrane that were treated locally with sodium hyaluronate until a reduction in the area of the perforation was observed.



None of the large perforations healed. Treatment was less effective in patients with secretions from the middle ear. In the 12 patients whose perforations were healed, three months after treatment the tympanic membrane was normal in most cases; hearing threshold, measured with the evoked-response test, had improved; and the tympanometric curve, measured with the impedance test, had returned to normal.   

Tags: Italy Clinical trial Clinical Therapeutics 1989

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