Viscosupplementation for Osteoarthritis

Viscosupplementation for Osteoarthritis: A Primer for Primary Care Physicians

Article specifications

This review article was published in 2013 in Journal of Adv Ther. (IF 2015:2.49) by American specialist. This review evaluates literature focusing on the efficacy and/or safety of HA injections in treating OA of the knee and in other joints, including the hip, shoulder, and ankle. Relevant literature on intra-articular (IA) HA injections as a treatment for OA pain in the knee and other joints was identified through PubMed database searches from inception until January 2013.


For primary care physicians who treat and care for patients with OA of the knee, IA injection with HAs constitutes a safe and effective treatment that can be routinely administered in the office setting.

Tags: USA advances in therapy Review article 2013

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