The tolerability of viscosupplementation

The tolerability of viscosupplementation: low incidence and clinical management of local adverse events.

Article specifications

This clinical study was published in 2003 in Journal of Curr Med Res Opin (IF 2008:4.06) by American specialist. The aim of this study was to evaluate the tolerability of viscosupplement.


Local AEs that do occur with therapy are mostly mild to moderate in nature, transient, and resolve spontaneously or with symptomatic treatment. Local AEs thought to be related to the treatment are clinically manageable and do not result in long-term sequelae, such that their occurrence should not preclude patients from the benefit of OA pain relief with therapy, including continued pain relief with repeat treatment, Relief of OA knee pain with hylan G-F 20 far outweighs the low risk of local AEs for patients who do not respond to other therapies indicated for the treatment of OA knee pain.

Tags: USA current medical research and opinion Clinical trial 2003

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