
Effect of esterified hyaluronic acid as middle ear packing in tympanoplasty for adhesive otitis media

Effect of esterified hyaluronic acid as middle ear packing in tympanoplasty for adhesive otitis media

Article specifications

This clinical study was published in 2018 in journal of acta oto-laryngologica (IF2016: 3.446) by chinese Otolaryngologists. In this study the effects of different middle ear packing agents (MEPA) (esterified HA and cartilage) on post-operative hearing improvement and complications after tympanoplasty in patients with adhesive otitis media. This study included 205 patients who received canal wall-down tympanoplasty with ossicular chain reconstruction were randomized into one of the three groups with different MEPA. Group 1 (n=72) received esterified hyaluronic acid as the MEPA, Group 2 (n=64) cartilage, and Group 3 (n=69) both. Air conduction (AC) and bone conduction (BC) thresholds at 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kHz were measured, and air-bone gaps (ABG) were analyzed before and after the surgery for each patient.


The results of the study indicated that using either esterified hyaluronic acid or cartilage as the MEPA can improve hearing threshold after tympanoplasty for patients with adhesive OM. Hyaluronic acid as a packing agent used in the tympanoplasty surgery yield better post-operative hearing than cartilage.

Tags: china Acta Otolaryngol Clinical trial 2018

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